Kirkwall & Stromness, Orkney Islands, Scotland

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

We docked around 9am.  The weather was far better the previously advertised. A little breezy with cloud cover through which the Sun occasionally made an appearance.

The Port Authority really made an effort. Local greeters organised a frequent shuttle bus, provided maps and conversation. At the end of the 5 minute journey, more greeters were there to give directions and be totally helpful, chatty and friendly. We took the shuttle to Kirkwall in the morning and went on an Island tour which took in Stromness & The Ring of Brodgar.

Orkney has very little to offer in terms of tourist attractions. What it has is beautiful scenery, with more hills, lakes and bays than you could count, small quiet towns with some touristy, some arty and some everyday shops, air so clean you can almost smell it and people so friendly that after a few words next time they see you they wave a greeting.

Just what we’d hoped for on this trip. We’re hoping all the other ports are much the same.

Lerwick on Shetland tomorrow.